Proven solutions and innovative developments to provide you with the most efficient and sustainable performance for your inks.
Many ink applications require a balance of easy dispersion, good optical density, and blue undertone, while maintaining the correct viscosity level. With our portfolio of Raven carbon blacks, you can do just that. Whether you produce news-, oil-, or liquid-based inks, run low-speed sheet-fed presses or high-speed weboffset operations, or produce inks for publications, packaging, or personal use, we can help you find a solution to solve any printing challenge.

Raven carbon blacks provide pgmentation that enhances color and undertone in various ink applications. Our portfolio includes carbon blacks with a wide range of surface areas and structures that deliver good hiding power on a variety of substrates.

Obtain optimal initial viscosity by using Raven carbon blacks to balance the right combination of surfcace area, structure, and surface chemistry. Doing so can ultimately enhance color strength.

Some Raven carbon blacks have been specifically designed for use in food-contact applications. Our particulate-free Raven carbon blacks are well-suited for sensitive applications such as inkjet inks.